

Andre LaMothe

How many courses has Andre LaMothe created?
Andre LaMothe has created 2 digital courses and has taught a total of 98,650 students online. We found 18,938 reviews with an average rating of 4.7.

How often does Andre LaMothe update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in March 2022.

How much do Andre LaMothe’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $16.99 and $16.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Andre LaMothe’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Andre LaMothe’s courses here.

Can I download Andre LaMothe’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

I hold degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from San Jose State University. I am a Computer Scientist, Electrical and Embedded Engineer that specializes in hardware design, gaming, AI, and robotics. I have written many books, articles and papers on the aforementioned subjects and taught Computer Science and Electrical Engineering courses at UC Santa Cruz as well as online for many years. I am currently the CEO of Nurve Networks LLC, a full stack embedded development company in Austin, Texas, USA. Before that I was CEO of Xtreme Games LLC, a PC game development company in Silicon Valley.

Check Andre LaMothe’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by Andre LaMothe