

Attain Corp.

How many courses has Attain Corp. created?
Attain Corp. has created 37 digital courses and has taught a total of 179,403 students online. We found 19,976 reviews with an average rating of 4.6.

How often does Attain Corp. update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in February 2022.

How much do Attain Corp.’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $19.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Attain Corp.’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Attain Corp.’s courses here.

Can I download Attain Corp.’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

The courses we offer on Udemy are excerpts of our AOJ Language School courses. AOJ Language School (Attain Online Japanese Language School) is an Online Japanese language school. You can access to our high-quality Japanese learning Live Lectures and Video Lectures from anywhere in the world. You will be able to access to our Video Lecture 24 hours a day. Our Live Lecture is in in small group. You can participate in classes anywhere with the internet connection. You can also access to the recorded lectures even if you are absent. AOJ Language School provides high quality Japanese learning to those who want to learn Japanese all over the world. We do not require an admission fee to make it easier for you to continue studying and you can choose to pay the tuition fee monthly. We also offer “Full support to pass JLPT N2”. Even if you start learning as a beginner, you can acquire JLPT N2 level Japanese in a minimum of 2 years. AOJ will fully support your learning Japanese until you pass JLPT N2.

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T?i Udemy, chúng tôi cung c?p m?t ph?n tài li?u h?c t?p c?a tr??ng Ngôn Ng? AOJ. Tr??ng Ngôn Ng? AOJ là tr??ng d?y h?c ti?ng Nh?t b?ng hình th?c online. H?c viên có th? k?t n?i các gi? h?c ti?ng Nh?t ch?t l??ng cao ???c chia thành Gi? H?c Live và Gi? H?c Video, t? kh?p n?i trên th? gi?i. Gi? H?c Video có th? h?c m?i lúc. Gi? H?c Live ???c t? ch?c b?ng hình th?c l?p h?c ít ng??i. Ch? c?n có k?t n?i internet, h?c viên có th? tham gia vào l?p h?c t? b?t c? n?i ?âu. H?c viên c?ng có th? k?t n?i vào gi? h?c ?ã ???c thu l?i do v?ng m?t.
Tr??ng Ngôn Ng? AOJ cung c?p vi?c h?c ti?ng Nh?t ch?t l??ng cao cho t?t c? nh?ng ai mu?n h?c ti?ng Nh?t t? m?i n?i trên th? gi?i. ?? h?c viên có th? d? dàng theo h?c, chúng tôi không yêu c?u phí nh?p h?c và h?c viên có th? thanh toán h?c phí theo t?ng tháng. Bên c?nh ?ó, nhà tr??ng còn cung c?p ch? ?? “H? tr? toàn di?n thi ?? N2”. Cho dù h?c viên b?t ??u h?c t? trình ?? 0, s? v?n có th? ??t ???c trình ?? JLPT N2 trong vòng ít nh?t 2 n?m. Nhà tr??ng s? h? tr? vi?c h?c c?a h?c viên cho ??n khi h?c viên ??t ???c ch?ng ch? JLPT N2.

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