

Clare Lynch

How many courses has Clare Lynch created?
Clare Lynch has created 9 digital courses and has taught a total of 201,807 students online. We found 59,503 reviews with an average rating of 4.5.

How often does Clare Lynch update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in June 2022.

How much do Clare Lynch’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $19.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Clare Lynch’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Clare Lynch’s courses here.

Can I download Clare Lynch’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

A University of Cambridge tutor. A professional copywriter.
University of Cambridge tutor Dr Clare Lynch is an expert writer with decades of experience.
Clare hasn’t simply edited the work of other journalists at elite publications, such as The Financial Times. She’s also herself a hugely successful copywriter in her own right.
What’s more, in October 2019, Udemy bestowed their Student Success award on Clare for her dedication to her Udemy students.

20+ years of writing experience
In her 20+ year career, Clare has crafted copy from scratch for elite clients in a wide range of fields, including lifestyle, retail, property, tech, pharma, finance and government.
Over the course of that career, Clare has honed her techniques for getting under any reader’s skin – and crafting messages that instantly resonate with the target audience. Techniques she now shares with over 28,000 students on Udemy.
Clare’s experience as a writer embraces a huge range of writing formats and styles – including case studies, white papers, feature articles, direct mail campaigns, web content, ad copy, video scripts, CEO speeches and brand messaging.

A blogging expert
And as the author of the popular blog Good Copy, Bad Copy, Clare herself has attracted hundreds of thousands of readers to her own writing. Good Copy, Bad Copy has been named on Copyblogger’s list of 15 copywriting and content marketing blogs that will make you more money.

An award-winning teacher
What’s more, Clare has a PhD in English Literature and teaches at the University of Cambridge. She’s also a qualified and highly experienced corporate trainer.
So Clare isn’t merely an expert at her craft. She also knows how to communicate her expertise in a way that’s memorable, entertaining and addictively engaging.
That’s why, in October 2019, Udemy bestowed their Student Success award on Clare for her dedication to her Udemy students.

“She is an incredible teacher that has a special unique ability of keeping her students minds engaged and hanging on her every word.” – BRAD MACE, UDEMY STUDENT

Take a look at some of the clients who’ve benefited from Clare’s expertise:
Aberdeen Asset ManagementAlgomiBNP ParibasBPBrunswick PRDeutsche BankEuropean Banking AuthorityEuropean Central BankThe Financial TimesJudge Business School, University of CambridgeKing’s College, Cambridge Language Centre, University of CambridgeMacquarieMavens of LondonMicrosoftMisys International Banking Systems LtdOfcomPrince’s TrustPrudential UK and EuropeRoyal Bank of ScotlandSainsbury’sSchrodersTowerBrook Capital PartnersTradition (interdealer brokers)REA GroupUBS

Check Clare Lynch’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by Clare Lynch