


How many courses has DATAI TEAM created?
DATAI TEAM has created 2 digital courses and has taught a total of 380 students online. We found 48 reviews with an average rating of 3.4.

How often does DATAI TEAM update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in July 2021.

How much do DATAI TEAM’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $14.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for DATAI TEAM’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of DATAI TEAM’s courses here.

Can I download DATAI TEAM’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

Yapay Zekâ & Veri Bilimi
DATAI Team Bilkent ve ODTÜ gibi üniversitelerden mühendislik alan?nda lisans ve lisansüstü seviyelerde mezun Yapay Zekâ, Veri Bilimi ve Algoritma alanlar?nda uzman ki?iler taraf?ndan Türkçe kaynak eksikli?ine çözüm olarak kurulmu? bir tak?md?r. Google’?n alt kurulu?u olan Kaggle platformunda kazand???m?z ba?ar?lar sayesinde sizlere profesyonel ve dünya çap?nda kalitesi onayl? dersler anlat?yoruz.
Python, Veri Bilimi, Makine Ö?renmesi, Derin Ö?renme ve Yapay Zekâ konular?na kar?? olan ilgi ve uzmanl???m?z sayesinde haz?rlad???m?z derslerimizi gerçek hayattan verilen örnekler ile harmanlay?p sizlere sunuyoruz. Ayr?ca sizlerin ö?rendikleri bilgiyi genel kültür seviyesinin ötesine ta??yabilmesi için yapaca??n?z çal??malar? tüm dünya ile payla?man?z konusunda yol gösteriyor ve te?vik ediyoruz.
Gerek ders ile ilgili gerekse güncel konular, i? ya da okul hayat?n?z ile ilgili sorular?n?z? sormaktan çekinmeyin. Sorman?n en iyi ö?renme yöntemlerinden biri oldu?unu unutmay?n.
?htiyac?n?z olan kurslar? hemen kütüphanenize ekleyin ve bir an önce derslere ba?layal?m!
Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
DATAI Team is a team established by experts in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Algorithm. Thanks to our achievements on the Kaggle platform, a subsidiary of Google, we tell you professional, world-class quality lessons and blend them with real-life examples. In addition, we guide and encourage you to share your studies with the world so that you can carry the knowledge you learn beyond the level of the general culture.

Check DATAI TEAM’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by DATAI TEAM