

Jimmy Naraine

How many courses has Jimmy Naraine created?
Jimmy Naraine has created 31 digital courses and has taught a total of 328,798 students online. We found 39,891 reviews with an average rating of 4.6.

How often does Jimmy Naraine update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in April 2022.

How much do Jimmy Naraine’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $11.99 and $24.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Jimmy Naraine’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Jimmy Naraine’s courses here.

Can I download Jimmy Naraine’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

Jimmy Naraine provides affordable education to 300k people on topics he wishes were taught at school.

FROM GOLDMAN SACHS TO ENTREPRENEURSHIPIn my “previous” life I was in the corporate world, working for companies such as Goldman Sachs. However, I quickly realized it wasn’t for me and dove into entrepreneurship. I’ve spent over 8 years teaching over 300,000 people in my online courses while traveling full-time (76 countries). I always embrace the white-belt mentality, but I’m also grateful to see my courses mentioned in leading publications such as Entrepreneur, FoxNews, Forbes, and BusinessInsider.IMPACTING MILLIONSFor many years my single mission was to help millions of people with their psychological issues. Hence, my obsession with building educational content for the masses. However, as my audience grew, I started getting approached by various experts who also wanted to create courses. Sadly, in most cases, fear, confusion, and perceived complexity rendered them paralyzed.COURSE CREATION:Nowadays, together with my Team, we help experts, entrepreneurs and companies amplify their “voice” by creating world-class online courses. Course creation is not easy, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Having an experienced support team in your corner can save you months of wasted time and costly mistakes. After receiving over 53,000 official 5/5 ratings, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t.”007″ LIFESTYLEHowever, life is not just about business and building courses. I do my best to embrace all aspects of being a human and try to make the most of my 28,000 days on this planet. I constantly seek opportunities to challenge myself on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. For a decade, I’ve been exploring unconventional paths whether it’s training Muay Thai in Thailand, surfing in Bali, hiking the Himalayas, exploring Colombian jungles, or doing ice baths in frozen lakes – all of it while running my businesses.FROM STAGE PHOBIA TO TOP PRESENTER:I absolutely love connecting with audiences all over the world, from Barcelona to Tokyo. I regularly speak on prestigious stages such as Digital|K, MindvalleyU, WeWork, and DNX, to name a few, often being voted the best speaker of the event. I also host international gatherings such as OCR European Championships and run private training (online and offline) for companies.
PODCASTAs a passion project, I interview top performers in their fields including Bestselling Authors, Special Forces Soldiers, UFC Hall of Famers, Entrepreneurs, and Artists. Those deep-dive conversations serve as a springboard to explore human potential. Some of my guests include Bruce Lipton, John Joseph, Ollie Ollerton, Harry Mack, Yanik Silver, and Evan Carmichael.CHALLENGING CHILDHOODHowever, all of the above wasn’t always my reality.I grew up in post-communist Poland with no money, no language abilities (other than Polish), and lots of limiting beliefs. At some point, I discovered personal development and realized that I could create my own reality. I took my education seriously, bootstrapped myself to a British Business School, started traveling Europe on a tiny budget (often sleeping on beaches and hostel dorms). Even then, I struggled with confidence issues and public speaking phobia. If someone told me back then that one day, I would live my current life – I wouldn’t have believed. The path wasn’t easy, but no game would be fun without a fair share of challenges. To me, life is like the ultimate game and I’m trying to make the most of each experience, whether it’s up or down. On a completely different note, I have been a meat-free athlete for over half of my life. The main reason is that I absolutely despise the cruel factory farming. However, I also do feel incredible on a plant-based diet.
If you’ve read till here – thank you for taking the time and I hope that you will enjoy my courses.Also, always remember – you are better than you often think you are. You just have to learn how to harness that inner power.
– Jimmy

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