

John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab)

How many courses has John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab) created?
John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab) has created 33 digital courses and has taught a total of 121,867 students online. We found 7,451 reviews with an average rating of 4.5.

How often does John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab) update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in May 2022.

How much do John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab)’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $11.99 and $19.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab)’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab)’s courses here.

Can I download John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab)’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

Why are over 100,000 students enrolled in my online courses?
1. I teach with passion from my experience with my students my first priority.
2. My courses will help you to achieve your goals and change your life today.
3. My dedication to teaching! Udemy even named a meeting room after me in their office.
? Try enrolling in a course with me and see for yourself ?
How can I harness my experience to help you?
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If you don’t find what you need, ask me.
“Fantastically put together course and content – very informative and lecturer was very knowledgeable and insightful! Highly Recommend for anyone interested in learning the Fundamentals of PE / VC” Aakarsh
“Very helpful, relevant and insightful I am a professional in Investment Banking and I learned a lot about the processes that senior bankers (VP’s and MD’s) deal with on a regular basis in detail: Section 4 and onwards was what I was looking for before I purchased the course and I feel my needs were met beyond expectations. One could inaccurately be “concerned” because of the short durations of the videos and think that the content is “brief”, “light” or “superficially” covered – it definitely isn’t: I’ve never seen videos in which, literally, every second contained information completely relevant and essential to the topic. I frequently paused videos to take notes. Also the attachments provided as guidance are very detailed and insightful.” Daniel
About John Colley, MA, MBA
John is a best selling online instructor, investment banker, international speaker and entrepreneur, whose eLearning courses have been featured on Forbes, The Economist and many other professional platforms.
Over a City of London Investment Banking Career of nearly 30 years, John, the Founder of Six Minute Strategist Consulting, has been teaching over 75,000 students on Udemy since 2013.
In his City career John has:
** Floated  companies on the London Stock Exchange
** Worked on British Government Privatisations
** Advised on Hostile Takeovers
** Originated a $300m acquisition in the Far East for a European cement company
** Originated deals for Private Equity Firms
** Raised capital for dozens of Technology companies from Start Ups to Mid Sized companies
** In Mergers and Acquisitions, sold public and private companies
** Worked closely with a wide range of Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms
** Founder and helped managed two Investment Banking Boutiques in London
With two degrees from Cambridge University (Bachelors and Masters), an MBA with Distinction from Cass Business School, John also graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (the UK’s West Point) as an Army Officer. His MBA Dissertation won the Tallow Chandler’s Prize for the Best MBA Dissertation in his graduating year 1993.

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