

Jordi Casalta Serrano

How many courses has Jordi Casalta Serrano created?
Jordi Casalta Serrano has created 9 digital courses and has taught a total of 2,828 students online. We found 637 reviews with an average rating of 4.5.

How often does Jordi Casalta Serrano update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in April 2022.

How much do Jordi Casalta Serrano’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $15.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Jordi Casalta Serrano’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Jordi Casalta Serrano’s courses here.

Can I download Jordi Casalta Serrano’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

I have been a massage coach at the European Spa Training School – Euespa – since 1999, and at the nature massage school, being at that time the youngest director of the school in Spain
I have extensive international experience in massage and training in spa techniques. I have been collaborating for the last nine years with Toni Bové, physiotherapist at Football Club Barcelona and as a massage therapist in Formula One with pilots like Roberto Merhi.
I obtained my massage teacher degree at the Manual Massage School in Barcelona, ??with Dr. Sagrera, known for introducing technical massage in Spain. With the experience of over 15.000 trained students, I have also been a consultant to several cosmetic brands, such as Duaner Laboratories.
Currently I also run the largest suspension yoga company in the world. International Aeroyoga
I hope I can give you as much as possible so that you achieve your goals and grow professionally.

Check Jordi Casalta Serrano’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by Jordi Casalta Serrano