

Matt Crute

How many courses has Matt Crute created?
Matt Crute has created 1 digital courses and has taught a total of 213 students online. We found 39 reviews with an average rating of 4.7.

How often does Matt Crute update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in January 2022.

How much do Matt Crute’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $14.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Matt Crute’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Matt Crute’s courses here.

Can I download Matt Crute’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

With over 20 years experience in teaching, recording, and touring in bands all over the world, Matt is now on Udemy to share all his best drumming secrets, technique tips, teach you all his favourite beats & fills, and guide you on your way to becoming a confident and brilliant drummer.

When Matt was just 21, he and his Aussie bandmates signed an International record deal with American major label ‘Columbia Records’ (Sony) and lived and toured in the USA for 12 months as a full-time musician. His band ‘Full Scale’ released two EP’s and a full length album on Sony Music. Once they disbanded, what followed was more recording and touring adventures as drummer for the ‘Tim McMillan Band’ where he performed throughout Europe on multiple occasions and recorded drum tracks on several releases.

Matt also spent a decade creating, organising and running popular music festival such as Rock The Bay, Creepshow Halloween Festival and Rock N Load.

With an exciting history of touring, recording and performing live, Matt’s getting even more satisfaction as a drum teacher. There’s no greater feeling than seeing a student improve on the drums and inspiring them to get better.

Matt’s courses are yours to keep forever, and by the end of them you will feel inspired, motivated and most importantly gain confidence in your drumming!

Check Matt Crute’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by Matt Crute