

Mihai Catalin Teodosiu

How many courses has Mihai Catalin Teodosiu created?
Mihai Catalin Teodosiu has created 21 digital courses and has taught a total of 67,998 students online. We found 9,833 reviews with an average rating of 4.6.

How often does Mihai Catalin Teodosiu update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in March 2021.

How much do Mihai Catalin Teodosiu’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $12.99 and $0.00.

Are there coupons or discounts for Mihai Catalin Teodosiu’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Mihai Catalin Teodosiu’s courses here.

Can I download Mihai Catalin Teodosiu’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

My name is Mihai and I am the founder and main instructor at EpicPython, and a huge Python enthusiast.
I have a BS degree in Telecommunications and Information Technology from University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania and also the CCNP, CCNA, CCDA, JNCIA and ISTQB CTFL certifications.

? What are my credentials?
? Work experience in Networking and Quality Assurance Engineering.
? Used Python vastly in Network Automation and Test Automation.
? Certified professional: Cisco, Juniper and ISTQB certifications.
? Teaching courses on EpicPython, Udemy and other e-learning platforms since 2015.
? Tens of thousands of satisfied students, 4.6 / 5 average course rating.

? What are my students saying about the kind of courses I create?
“What an incredible value and learning experience!” by Sean A.
“Excellent material. Kudos to a great instructor with a vast level of creativity.” by Anthony W.
“I can say this man is going on smoothly and perfectly, explaining in the most empirical/foundational way.” by Kolapo A.

I am constantly improving my content and teaching methods, providing my students with the best learning experience possible, helping thousands to take the next step in their careers.

I’ll see you inside the courses!

Check Mihai Catalin Teodosiu’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by Mihai Catalin Teodosiu