

Nikhil Parekh

How many courses has Nikhil Parekh created?
Nikhil Parekh has created 31 digital courses and has taught a total of 313,187 students online. We found 4,903 reviews with an average rating of 3.8.

How often does Nikhil Parekh update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in May 2020.

How much do Nikhil Parekh’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $11.99 and $14.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Nikhil Parekh’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Nikhil Parekh’s courses here.

Can I download Nikhil Parekh’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

Teaching 46 courses with 191,513  students from 194 countries including United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Morocco, Canada, Poland, India, Egypt, Malaysia and Indonesia
I assist many of my clients, ranging from small/medium businesses to INC 500 corporations to multimillion dollar businesses (and even billion dollar businesses), by guiding them to achieve tremendous growth in revenue and profits utilizing my social media user engagement strategies, mobile applications and proprietary tools.
I am also a sought after best selling author and speaker and have been featured on stages all around the world, responsible for teaching thousands of successful entrepreneurs worldwide
Clients refer to me as a profit strategist – I am an expert at helping my clients with referral marketing using my proprietary Fast Referral System.
In addition, I advise a number of high profile celebrities who have been featured on Miss USA, The Apprentice, Miss Universe, BET, WWE, CNN, ESPN, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, NBC, CBS, Fox, ABC, Entrepreneur Magazine and numerous other television shows and radio stations around the world
Specializing in:- Pay Per Click Marketing (including Analytics)- Digital Startups- Social Media Asset Development and Deployment- Social CRM Technology- Strategic Social Media Marketing Campaign Development- Mobile Application Development- Online Reputation Management- Social Community Development, Management and Engagement- Social Brand Management- Social Media Strategy and Planning- Online Community Management and Engagement including in depth social conversation monitoring- Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Application Development

Check Nikhil Parekh’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by Nikhil Parekh