

Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher

How many courses has Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher created?
Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher has created 17 digital courses and has taught a total of 120,301 students online. We found 18,540 reviews with an average rating of 4.4.

How often does Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in June 2022.

How much do Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $19.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher’s courses here.

Can I download Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

Hi, I’m Paulo. I am passionate about teaching people Android, Java, and Flutter development.  I have taught over 100,000 students in 175 countries worldwide.I have a degree in Computer Science from Whitworth University, and I love programming and teaching. I have extensive experience in Mobile App Development (Android and iOS) and Web Development.  I am also the founder of Build Apps With Paulo, where students are equipped with tools they need to become well-rounded developers – developers who have soft and technical skills. Showing students how to make amazing applications/software is a gratifying experience for me.  That’s why I have been teaching online for the past 5 years.My goal is to make you a great developer, no matter your experience.  I enjoy spending time with my growing family, playing the guitar, mandolin, and traveling in my spare time. I look forward to helping you become the best developer you can be.  If you are new to Android development and my courses, I suggest you start with my most comprehensive Android course:   1. The Comprehensive 2020 Android Development Masterclass – You’ll learn everything you’ll need to know to get started with Android Development – no experience required!Next:  2. The Complete Intermediate Android Masterclass – You’ll learn intermediate Android topics such as Workmanager API, ROOM Database, and working in the background in Android.Cross-platform Development courses & Web-related (Build iOS and Android Mobile Apps): 3. Flutter & Dart – The Complete Flutter App Development Course – Learn the Dart Programming language and build iOS and Android Apps with a single codebase. 4. AngularDart – Build Dynamic Web Apps with Angular & Dart – Unleash the power of one of the most used web development framework Angular, and Dart, to build dynamic web apps. 5. TornadoFX – Build JavaFX Applications With Kotlin – Leverage the modern programming language, Kotlin, and JavaFX libraries to build stunning desktop appsPurely Java-based courses:6. Java Masterclass – Beginner to Expert Guide – Want to learn Java from the ground up?  Then this is the course you’ll need.7. Java Design Patterns – The Complete Masterclass – Learn how to build solid software using well-tested, proven Design Patterns.I look forward to seeing you in my courses.

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All courses by Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher