

Prashant Kumar Pandey

How many courses has Prashant Kumar Pandey created?
Prashant Kumar Pandey has created 11 digital courses and has taught a total of 85,409 students online. We found 11,028 reviews with an average rating of 4.6.

How often does Prashant Kumar Pandey update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in November 2021.

How much do Prashant Kumar Pandey’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $9.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Prashant Kumar Pandey’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Prashant Kumar Pandey’s courses here.

Can I download Prashant Kumar Pandey’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

Prashant Kumar Pandey is passionate about helping people to learn and grow in their career by bridging the gap between their existing and required skills. In his quest to fulfill this mission, he is authoring books, publishing technical articles, and creating training videos to help IT professionals and students succeed in the industry.
With over 18 years of experience in IT as a developer, architect, consultant, trainer, and mentor, he has worked with international software services organizations on various data-centric and Bigdata projects.
Prashant is a firm believer in lifelong continuous learning and skill development. To popularize the importance of lifelong continuous learning, he started publishing free training videos on his YouTube channel and conceptualized the idea of creating a Journal of his learning under the banner of Learning Journal.
He is the founder, lead author, and chief editor of the Learning Journal portal that offers various skill development courses, training, and technical articles since the beginning of the year 2018.

Check Prashant Kumar Pandey’s full profile on Udemy here »»

All courses by Prashant Kumar Pandey