

Vinod Kumar Kayartaya

How many courses has Vinod Kumar Kayartaya created?
Vinod Kumar Kayartaya has created 15 digital courses and has taught a total of 64,050 students online. We found 1,022 reviews with an average rating of 4.3.

How often does Vinod Kumar Kayartaya update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in March 2022.

How much do Vinod Kumar Kayartaya’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $11.99 and $14.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Vinod Kumar Kayartaya’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Vinod Kumar Kayartaya’s courses here.

Can I download Vinod Kumar Kayartaya’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

After my graduation from Kuvempu University with a University Rank in 1994, continued my studies in Computer Science with Aptech Computer Education for couple of Years.
I got into teaching Computer Software in 1996, when I got a job as teaching faculty in Aptech Computer Eduction, where I was a student. That’s when came to know that teaching is not only a respectable job, but one can enjoy too.
In 1999, I became the founder of a small computer training institute, Lotus Infodesk in Bangalore. Students mostly used to come to my institute for learning C, C++, VB, Oracle and Java.
At the same time, I also got an opportunity to teach in a college for 11th and 12th year students, and had a wonderful time teaching them Pascal.
Unfortunately, the recision hit year 2000-2001 badly hit my training institute, and I like many others had to shutdown the same.
This brought not only a very tough one year, but also brought new opportunities in venturing into Software development and consulting.
In the year 2003, a new door was opened for me – training software engineers in big software companies like Infosys, HP, Cap Gemini and few others.
Since then I am enjoying my journey in this industry, finding few development opportunities on the way.
Here are some of the clients (in alphabetical order) I worked with in the last 6 years:
ABB, Accenture, Amadeus, Bosch, Brillio, CA, Cadestech, Cisco, Collabera, EBay, EFI India, EMC, Epsilon, Exillant, HCL, HP, HPE, Infosys, Manipal Global, Metric Stream, MicroFocus, Mindtree, Persistent, Philips, Publicis Sapient, QSI, Sasken, SLK, Sony, Thomson Reuters, Trianz, Unisys, and Yodlee.
And the technologies I was fortunate enough to conduct classes on:
Advanced DB Concepts, Advanced Java, Advanced JavaScript, Advanced MS-Office, Advanced Python, Ajax, Angular, Angularjs, Bootstrap, C++, Consultation, Design Patterns, DevOps, Docker, Dojo, Eclipse RCP, EJB 3, Excel, ExtJS, Fresher training, Hibernate, HTML 5 & CSS 3, Ionic 3, Java, Java 8 Features, Java Performance Tuning, Jeknins, JMeter, jQuery, JSF, JUnit, Karma, Kubernetes, MEAN stack, Micro services, Mongodb, MS Access, MySQL, Nhibernate, Node.js, OOAD/UML, Perl, PowerPoint, PowerShell scripting, Progressive Web Apps, Protractor, Python, Reactjs, REST Web Services, Rx Java, SOAP Web Services, SPAjs, Spring, Spring boot and Reactjs, SQL, SSIS, SSRS, Struts 2, Typescript, VBA, Web application development, WebGL, XML, and XSLT.
In the mean while, I had a great opportunity to create e-learning content for Manipal Global on Java and JDBC, in 2015. This assignment consisted of 50 hours of learning material including face shot videos, screen recordings, quizzes, assignments, reading material and others.
Somewhere in mid 2018, I started creating video courses, which published for free on this website, which was like a helping content for my classroom students.
In December 2018, I published my first course on Udemy, and since then I have published a total of 14 courses till date.
However, I have published all of my courses on my website for a price, which is like almost free.
Tell me what’s the last thing you purchased for less than 50 rupees, that you own it for your lifetime?

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