

Prashant Panchal, ACA

How many courses has Prashant Panchal, ACA created?
Prashant Panchal, ACA has created 3 digital courses and has taught a total of 7,018 students online. We found 285 reviews with an average rating of 4.4.

How often does Prashant Panchal, ACA update their courses?
We found that the last course update was in October 2019.

How much do Prashant Panchal, ACA’s courses cost?
Courses cost between $14.99 and $14.99.

Are there coupons or discounts for Prashant Panchal, ACA’s courses?
You can check the latest prices for all of Prashant Panchal, ACA’s courses here.

Can I download Prashant Panchal, ACA’s courses?
Yes, after you purchase courses on Udemy, you can download them to your devices so you can learn offline.

Hey, I am Prashant Panchal. I like helping fellow Accountants, Auditors and Analysts to become PRO at using Microsoft Excel.

I have been using Excel for mainly Accounting and Analytics for almost two decades and I am quite enthusiastic about sharing my knowledge with fellow Accountants, Analysts, or any Excel user

I have come across many challenging reporting and analytics situations during my career, and I was able to resolve those using good old Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet application.

I am well versed with:
Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions, Complex Management reports (Financial and other business operation related), Excel Power Query and Power Pivot (also Power BI) and Excel VBA

The thing I am most excited to share with you is Modern Excel Tools training and its basics to make your life easier as an Accountant or Analyst for Data cleaning, and Report automation

With Techniques I have learned using Excel for so many years, I pretty sure I can reduce your routine workflow (time and efforts) to half or even more.

While I love traditional formulas and function, Pivot tables and Excel VBA, I feel that its time to go beyond and discover amazing Power Tools offered by Microsoft these days.

These tools include Power Query for Excel (Get and Transform), DAX formulas Engine with Excel Power Pivot.

Don’t worry if you have not heard about these tools, you will learn about them in details (basics to advanced) with me without any pain!

My Speciality lies in Data Analytics and ETL (Extract Transform and Load)

While formulas, Functions, Excel VBA can automate reporting and calculations for your projects, but when you are dealing with repetitive tasks, there is nothing better than Power Query.

So I am a big proponent of Automation of Data and reporting: Source data to Reporting with minimum manual steps involved with 100% Accuracy of Output reports

By the way, I am a Chartered Accountant by Qualification, and well versed with hands-on Corporate Financial Accounting and Reporting for diversified industries

So don’t worry you are in good hands and a trusted source for your Excel problems and become Excel superuser


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